Joana Brasileiro
She has 30 years of experience in design and a professional master’s degree in Instructional Design. His company, develops projects in the area of graphic and digital design, having expertise in coordinating teams and creating illustrations, animation, video editing and web design. Works in the area of Instructional Design, Educommunication and Digital Facilitation both in educational projects, as well as in consultancy and mentoring for artistic, journalistic and digital marketing projects.
Journalism Workshop Project
from June 1999 to 2012.
Organized by the Associação de Incentivo às Comunicações Papel Jornal, an entity of which I am vice-president and I was the instructor responsible for the graphic design course. We developed experimental journalism workshops with young people from the outskirts of São Paulo. One of the project’s objectives was to equip young people to develop skills in photography, reporting, graphic design, and to produce newspapers and other communication products and actions (printed and digital), which could strengthen their identity and autonomous narrative capacity, and were distributed to the public in your region. The young participants developed 10 editions of the newspaper “Becos e Vielas Z/S, A Voz da Periferia (Outskirts Voice)”, with an average circulation of 5 thousand copies, which became a reference for communication projects in the region. Participating in the management of this project: Marlene Bergamo (president), Alessandro Lima Nery, Armando Antenore, Maria Nylda Rodrigues, Fernanda Mena and Laura Capriglione, Glauco Ciasca, among others.
Over the 10 years, we had the support of Unesco, the Ayrton Senna Institute, Petrobras, the Moradia e Cidadania Institute, the State Department of Education, Assessoria Máquina da Notícia, the Social Stock Exchange, and other private collaborators.
Member of ABPEDUCOM (Brazilian Association of Educommunication Researchers and Professionals).
Instructor of Quarkxpress and Adobe Indesign software, in the Graphic Design class at the Istituto Europeo de Design. From 2005 to 2008.
Peixolho.Studio — Director and Owner
October 1998 to present
I work providing Design and Educommunication services, making partnerships and building different fronts and projects involving Education, Communication, Technology, and Art.
DIGITAL FACILITATOR: (pandemic 2020-2021). As technical support and consultancy for different partners in events with online transmission: Museu Itamar; Goethe Institute; Secretary of Culture of Rio de Janeiro; Secretary of Culture of São Paulo via Aldir Blanc law.
Horizonte Geográfico Educacional — Educator
from April / 2021 to Dec 2022
Educator of the Arts of Journalism Paths to Sustainability project. Responsible for the creation and execution of the Design Day workshop (online and in person). The project reaches around 10 cities across Brazil, encouraging the creation of newspapers with reports made by elementary school students and coordinated by teachers, with the theme of SDG (Sustainable Development Goals).
The Design Day workshop represents the culmination, where students create the graphic design and collectively layout some subjects, with the help of the workshop. LINKS: e
Instituto Rizoma— Collaborator/Educator
February 2015 to June 2019
Participation in the area of communication and educational projects at Instituto Rizoma, an NGO that works with education and sustainability connecting Brazil and Africa. LINKS:
Fundação Perseu Abramo— Instrucional Design
March to November 2019
Coordination, creation and art direction of the course “Direitos Humanos em Tempos de Barbárie” (Human Rights and Times of Barbarism) available on the Foundation’s online platform. Supervised by Adriano Diogo, Dulce Helena Cazzuni and Alê Almeida. Direitos Humanos em tempos de Barbárie
SIMESP, Sindicato dos Médico—Art Editor
March 2017 to February 2018
Simesp Union of Physicians of São Paulo. Creation and execution of the newspaper and magazine, including newspaper cover illustrations, and visual communication of promotional material on social networks.
Observatório da Sociedade Civil e a Abong— Art Editor
March 2017
Visual programming and animation for the documentary “That’s What I’m Talking About”, with Bueno Filmes. And for video lessons of the “Sharing Knowledge” project of the Brazilian Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (Abong) .
L’officiel Brasil— Art Director
February 2012 to October 2013.
Coordination Erika Palomino, Escala Jalous Publisher. Team coordination and implementation of the L’Officiel Paris project.
BIBLIASPA Library of South American Arab Studies —Art Director
2010 a 2011Team coordination and development of educational projects. Main publications: Arabic Grammar for South American Students, “Arabic Calligraphy” and “Arabic Literacy Book” graphic design by Firk magazine, visual coordination of the exhibitions of the 1st and 2nd Festival of Arab and South American Culture, 2007 Exhibition “The delight of the foreigner in everything which is amazing and wonderful”, with 36 traveling panels. Supervision Paulo Daniel Farah. LINK
House Of Palomino— Art Editor
from October 2008 to March 2009.
Main projects Key magazine, Junior magazine, visual communication at Galeria Melissa. Supervision by Erika Palomino.
Editora Pau Brasil — Art Editor
from August 2005 to September 2008.
Developing didactic material at Colégio Objetivo, from 1st to 5th grade, under the supervision of Elizabeth De Fiore.
Editora Horizonte Geográfico — Art Director
from June 2004 to August 2005
Responsible for the art team and art edition of Horizonte Geográfico magazine and products such as guides, books, exhibitions and “didactic kits” developed by the publisher. Supervision by Martha San Juan and Peter Milko.
Diário de S. Paulo — Art Director
2001 to 2002.
Responsible for implementing Roger Valles’ graphic design, and coordinating the art team under the supervision of Orivaldo Perin.
Editora Globo— Art Director
2000 to 2001.
Revista Única (single Magazine). Responsible for implementing Rico Lins’ graphic design and coordinating the art team. Supervision by Heloísa Helvécia and Laura Capriglione.
Folha De S. Paulo—Art Editor
From April 1998 to June 2000
Special Art Editor in charge of creating and producing notebooks and special projects under the supervision of Paula Cesarino Costa, Vincenzo Scarpellini and Marcos Augusto Gonçalves. From 1997 to 1998 as Art Editor. General supervision by Eleonora de Lucena and Marcos Augusto Gonçalves. From 1989 to 1998 Supervising Designer for Lenora de Barros, Eliane Stephan, Didiana Prata, Marcos Augusto Gonçalves. Also in infographics role
Mediativism: Jornalistas Livres (free journalists)
I actively worked in the mediativism collective from 2015 to 2022, in the role of design and webdesign, as a video editor, digital facilitator and also in educommunicative aspects, providing training and support to a network of more than 200 employees throughout Brazil. LINK